AUCafé is AUCSA’s student-run café. Visit their borrels twice a month at Maslow on Tuesday nights. Known to be an extremely fun board to join, the committee hosts themed borrels, providing a hyped space to hang out with friends and meet new people. The board is supported by Barcrew, a  mixed team of first, second and third year students who work the bar at the events. Together, AUCafé and Barcrew host Maslow borrels, are looking to expand outside the bubble, and support the Association by working the bar at big events like Winter Formal and Dormfest.

There are many AUCafé family moments throughout the year, but one of the best is Introweekend, where the board works the bar. Some of borrel traditions are the Octoberfest Borrel – aka the best time to get out that lederhosen, dirndl and sway the night away, the Apres-ski Borrel – THE moment to take shots off a ski, and the Graduation Borrel – a chance to get dressed up and celebrate your favourite place and people of AUC one last time.


—Tuesday Nights are AUCafé family nights <3—


january, 2025