What is a General Assembly? (GA)
General Assemblies are not only about budget or elections, but can also be about changes in the Policy Manual and Statues. The GAs are occasions for you to voice your opinions about important aspects of our association to the rest of the community.
Budget General Assembly
Every year we host at least two budget General Assemblies; one in October and one in February. At these GA’s we decide on how all the money for the year will be allocated. All CCTs and the AUCSA Board presents their budget, propose motions and fields questions.
Elections General Assembly
The Elections GA is your chance to vote on the next AUCSA Board. At the GA all the candidates will deliver a speech followed by questions from the audience. Afterwards, the Elections Commission will announce a proposed board and explain their reasoning for this. After this, you will vote on NemoVote and the next AUCSA Board (baby board) will be announced. The elections GA is generally the third and final GA of the year.