Board Elections Information


1 Office, 7 friends, Infinite Memories

Here, you can find any official information regarding the elections of the AUCSA 2025-26. Every year in May, the AUCSA Board of the next year is elected by the General Assembly (GA). This event is accessible for all members of the AUCSA. During the GA, all candidates may speech and answer questions from the members. A proposed board is then presented by the Elections Commission, after which the voting procedure starts. The candidate with the most votes will fill the board position in the next academic year.  More information is to come!

This year’s Elections GA will take place on May 12th, 2025.

AUCSA Elections Countdown








The Elections Commission (EC)

The Elections Commission (EC) is typically composed of one ex-AUCSA Board member and two independent members. Together with the current AUCSA Board, the EC is responsible for organising the Elections of the new AUCSA Board of 2025-26. The EC reviews the incoming applications, conducts interviews with the candidates, and asks specific questions during the Elections Debate.

Based on all applications, interviews, and performances during the debate, as well as through their own expertise, the EC will propose a Board during the Elections GA. This proposed Board consists of the candidates they deem the best fit for the AUCSA Board of 2025-26, both in terms of their individual skills and our perception of how they would work together.

Testimonials from previous Boards

Board XIII Testimonials

Board XI-XII Testimonials

Boards IV – VII Testimonials